Blast it, just when I managed to get over the shame of weeing myself with joy the first time around when it was announced that Disney recently brought Lucasfilm, now we have an update that a Director has been found, and it’s none other than J.J. Abrams, and once more I find myself reaching for the Depend again.

After the makeover he gave Star Trek back in 2009, and his involvement in films like Super 8, Cloverfield, Armageddon (which I loved, so shuttit), Mission Impossible 3, and TV shows like Alias, Fringe and Lost, he has slowly but surely earned his production chops and made the transition from bite-sized episodes to full-length films, managing to excite and entertain along the way.  Could he become the Spielberg of future generations?  Time will tell.

The screenwriters are collaborating, the consultants are on board, and this long-awaited Star Wars continuation is on its way!

My only concern is the long-standing rivalry between Trekkies and Star Wars fan boys suffering due to the fact that the same man is going to be involved in both revivals.

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